Harper's Tale
History Exam

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This exam was to test the knowledge of HT’s concession of Ista Lord
Holders with a question or two on some major tp’s that shook the hold. I
hoped everyone had fun with it. Its a bit of trivial that some of the
older players had forgotten.
-- Jueann
Question 1: Who was the
Lord Holder that was killed in the storm that destroyed most of Ista along with
his family and heirs? [10 points possible]
Answer: Lord
Dee: Riyan |
Nalin: @who
mair |
Torlan: Riyan |
Rorie: abort |
Caramak: Riyan |
Emmett: Riyan |
Jael: Riyan |
Ode: Fletcher |
Arion: Riyan |
Riyan |
Teraille: Lord Riyan |
Annest: Hmmm. |
Pyrah: Riyan |
Question 2: Who did the Conclave of Lord Holders voted in as Lord
Holder, after no heirs could be found? [10 points possible] Answer:
Lord Trew
Evan: Trew |
Fyren: Trew |
Dee: Trew |
Pyrah: Trew |
Sariani: Trew |
Nalin: laston
hythe |
Torlan: Trew |
Emmett: Trew |
Caramak: Trew |
Ode: Trew |
Jael: Trew |
Genevieve: Trew |
Arion: Trew |
Annest: Hmmmmmm. |
Teraille: Lord Trew,
then of Southern Hold |
Question 3: Who was the Harper Apprentice (who later became a harper
master) that was tried for murder? [10 points possible] Answer: Harper
Dee: Seamus |
Teraille |
Sariani: Seamus |
Pyrah: Teraille |
Torlan: Seamus |
Nalin: @aborty |
Caramak: Seamus
] |
Emmett: Seamus |
Jael: Seamus |
Ode: Caramak |
Arion: Teraille |
Genevieve: Seamus |
Teraille: Seamus |
Annest: Uhoh. No grip on HTPern
history! |
Question 4: Who was the Harper Journeyman that became Lord Regent, and
later became Lord Holder of Ista? [10 points possible] Answer: Harper
Evan: Fletcher |
Tellia: Shanahan |
Dee: Fletcher |
Nalin: Tav |
Torlan: Fletcher |
Fletcher |
Fletcher |
Ode: Tave |
Jael: Fletcher |
Genevieve: Fletcher |
Arion: Fletcher |
Annest: *sigh* |
Teraille: Lord
Fletcher, now of Lemos. |
Question 5: Since the storm, who was voted in as the first Lady Holder?
[10 points possible] Answer: Lady Efette
Evan: Efette |
Charis |
Dee: Efette |
Lesana: Efette |
Torlan: Efette |
Nalin: Charis |
Caramak: Efette |
Emmett: Efette |
Jael: Efette |
Efette |
Arion: Efette |
Genevieve: Efette |
Teraille: Lady Efette |
Annest: Better not post /my/ answers! |
Question 6: Who tried to take over Ista in a violent take-over? [10
points possible] Answer: Lord Malkan
Evan: Malkan |
Teraille: Lord
Malkan of Crom |
Dee: Malkan |
Lesana: Malkan |
Sariani: Malkan |
Pyrah: Malkan |
Torlan: Malkan |
Nalin: Malkan |
Caramak: Malkan |
Emmett: Malkan |
Jael: Malkan |
Ode: Malkan |
Arion: Malkan |
Genevieve: Malkan |
Aidany: Malkan, former Lord Crom |
Question 7: Who was the Lord Holder that went insane and ordered a ban
of all fire lizards for Ista? [10 points possible] Answer: Lord
consort of Lady Efette
Evan: Tave |
Teraille: Lord Tave |
Dee: Tave |
Genevieve: Tave |
Sariani: Tave |
Aidany: Tave |
Torlan: Tave |
Lesana: Tave |
Caramak: Tave |
Nalin: Tav |
Jael: Tave |
Emmett: Tave |
Arion: Tave |
Ode: Tave |
Selina: answer 8 on #14433 |
Question 8: Who was the Lady Holder that rode off in the sunset,
looking for her insane mate? [10 points possible] Answer: Lady
Evan: Efette |
Teraille: Lady
Efette |
Dee: Efette |
Aidany: Efette |
Sariani: Efette |
Lesana: Efette |
Torlan: Efette |
Pyrah: Efette |
Caramak: Efette |
Efette |
Jael: Efette |
Emmett: Efette |
Arion: Efette |
Ode: Efette |
Genevieve: Efette |
Annest: Now this one I used to know the answer to. |
Question 9: Who was voted in to become the current Lady Holder? [10
points possible] Answer: Lady Charis
Evan: Charis |
Teraille: Lady
Charis |
Dee: Charis |
Tellia: Charis |
Sariani: Charis |
Selina: Charis |
Torlan: Charis |
Lesana: Charis |
Caramak: Charis |
Charis |
Jael: Charis |
Nalin: Charis |
Arion: Charis |
Emmett: Charis |
Ode: Charis |
Annest: Charis? |
Charis |
Question 10: Extra credit: Name the Lord Holder that took over when
Lord Holder retired making him the 2nd Lord Holder since the storm? [10
points possible] Answer: Lord Altaris (credit was given for
Evan: ATaris |
Teraille: Ataris |
Dee: Altaris |
Shanahan |
Torlan: Altaris |
Emmett: Fletcher |
Caramak: Ataris |
Ode: Trew |
Jael: Fletcher |
Genevieve: Ataris |
Arion: Ataris |
The Origami Awards for Originality and Fun (no offense intended!)
-- Oriana
Most Expressive Mistake: (in answer to
question 7) Selina: answer 8 on #14433 |
Best Excuse: Annest: Now
this one I used to know the answer to.
Honesty: Annest: Uhoh. No grip
on HTPern history! Annest: Better not post /my/ answers!
Distracted: Nalin: @who mair Nalin:
laston hythe Nalin: @aborty
The Dan Quayle Spelling Award goes to
Jueann: Answer: Lord Altaris (credit was given for
Origami Awards
Evan: 80% |
Teraille: 100 |
Sariani: 60 |
Tellia: 10 |
Torlan: 100 |
10 |
100 |
Aidany: 30 |
Arion: 90 |
Pyrah: 50 |
Lesana: 50 |
10 |
Ode: 60 |
Genevieve 100 |
Nalin: 40 |
Emmett: 90 |
Jael: 90 |
Scores for Jueann's Exam Book posted
Fri Jun 4 12:21:57 1999 CDT |